Bidigital O-ring test for diagnosis, treatment and evaluation of therapeutic effects and localization of meridians and acupuncture points Author: Omura Yoshiaki Affiliation: Medical Research, Heart Disease Research Foundation,International College of Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutics, New York, NY, USA [1] Conference/Journal: 1st Int Cong of Qigong Date published: 1990 Other: Pages: 97 , Word Count: 814 Using the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test Imaging Technique, one can image on the human or animal body surface any internal organ or arteries, and can detect abnormalities without exposing the patient to any radiation or using any expensive instruments or electric power source. As long as a pure reference control substance or its antibody is available, one can localize specific bacteria or viruses, neurotransmitters, hormones, or other substances in different parts of the body. Effective drugs for bacteria or viruses, as well as other abnormal conditions, and their optimal dosages can be approximately estimated before they are administered to the patient. Internal organs and their corresponding meridians and acupuncture points can be localized, using microscope slides of specific internal organs as reference control substances in both living humans and cadavers. Thus, currently well known meridians and acupuncture points of the 12 main internal organs of ancient Chinese medicine were re-evaluated for their accuracy. Our study indicated that the Pericardium meridian corresponds to the adrenal gland and the Triple burner meridian corresponds to the testes in males and ovaries in females. Each internal organ has a representation area in the specific area of the cerebral cortex at each cerebral hemisphere, and they are connected to the meridian of that organ. Acupuncture or electrical stimulation with low pulse repetition rate on the cerebral cortex re-presentation area of each internal organ influences the entire corresponding meridian and the acupuncture points connected to the representation areas of the brain, particularly after inducing vasodilation of spastic vertebral arteries by the author's para-vertebral arterial acupuncture, regardless of the presence of cephalic hypotension or hypertension syndrome. Thus, one can provide effective scalp acupuncture ar electrical stimulation by stimulating the exact organ representation area of the cerebral cortex rather than the empirical approach, which depends upon the practitioner's preference. Using the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test, the author confirmed that the concept of paired organs, such as the Heart and Small intestine, Stomach and 'Spleen' (= Pancreas), Urinary bladder and Kidney, etc., is valid. In these paired organs, the first organ is the dominant organ, and the second organ is the dominated organ. One can image the meridians of both the dominant and dominated organs and their acupuncture points by the use of microscope slides of tissue of the dominant organ as the reference control substance. However, using a microscope slide of the dominated organ, one can only image the same organ's meridian and its acupuncture points but cannot image the dominant organ's meridian and its acupuncture points. For example, using tissue of the heart as a reference control substance, one can image meridians and their acupuncture points of both the heart and small intestine and their connections. However, using tissue from the small intestine as a reference control substance, one can only image the meridian of the small intestine and cannot image the meridian of the heart. The same relationship exists in all the 6 pairs of 12 main internal organs. Neurotransmitters and hormones of the cerebral cortex representation areas of specific internal organs and their meridians and acupuncture points were studied. Within the boundary of most acupuncture points the author found a high concentration of acetylcholine, methionine enkephalin, beta endorphin, ACTH, secretin, cholecystokinin, norepinephrine, serotonin and GABA. On all these meridian lines, in addition to the above neurotransmitters and hormones, dopamine, dynorphin 1-13, prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and VIP were found. However, the latter do not usually exist within the boundaries of acupuncture points, with the exception of the center midline of the acupuncture point, where the meridian line is situated. Serotonin, norepinephrine and cholecystokinin appeared in either of the above. In addition to the above common neurotransmitters and hormones, the heart meridian had additional atrial natriuretic peptide in both the meridian and its acupuncture points. The stomach meridian had additional gastrin in both the meridian and its acupuncture points. The triple burner meridian had additional testosterone in males and estrogen in females. Likewise, the kidney meridian had additional renin and angiotensin II. When the acupuncture needle was inserted into the center of the acupuncture point or shiatsu or soft laser was given on the acupuncture point, all of the above common neurotransmitters and hormones appeared outside of the acupuncture point in a circular area. When Qi Gong was given on the acupuncture point, a donut shaped distribution of neurotransmitters and hormones appeared. Thus, some of the therapeutic effects of acupuncture, shiatsu, soft laser and Qi Gong can be explained from the effects of these released neurotransmitters and hormones. The fine structure of acupuncture points and meridians was evaluated by the Bi-Digital O-Ring Test magnification imaging technique. The author found that each meridian usually consists of 7 distinctive micro-channels which go through the center of the acupuncture point, and acupuncture points have multiple concentric compartments, as many as 6 of which alternatively contain different substances and, at the same time, paired spiral structure. These will be illustrated with color slides.