On Taoism theory of qigong and aesthetic standard of literature and arts Author: Ying Guangrong Affiliation: Computer Centre Ministry of Public Health, China [1] Conference/Journal: 2nd Int Conf on Qigong Date published: 1989 Other: Pages: 336 , Word Count: 257 The main purport of taoism Qigong is what is called 'quiet, secluded and doing nothing (but everything)'. 'doctrine according to (the law of) the nature and returning to the nature'. 'the man responding with nature (universe)' that is supreme realm of Qigong's condition, but also the main basic of ancient China literature and arts. Zhuen-Zhi denoted that if you would attain your mental communicating with the Heaven, you should to forget yourself and everything in the state of 'doing nothing (but everything), and then you can create the work of art with natural beauty. The Taoists hold in esteem for natural beauty and oppose artificially made aesthetic standard. 'Music harmonizing with the Heaven (nature) is Heaven Music' and the grand music being rare sounding' are ideal music in contrast to its music artificially made by man most excellent musician could only a part of beauty of the music. An excellent literature is not representative of words but that the idea of what he thinks, as well as that of Chinese calligraphy. It is an embodgment of the Taoism saying 'supreme art is not communicating with the mental' and the heaven and feeling and scene integrated as a whole. The surpassing of China tradition drawing is to hold in esteem for the nature and unified into the universe with 'qi' to bring one to a magic feeling and wonderful realm. To sum up. The theory of Taoist Qigong represented by Lao-Zhuan is an important basis of the aesthetic standard of ancient literature and arts of China.