Endocrine Conditions in Older Adults: Anti-Aging Therapies. Author: Bradford S1, Ramsetty A1, Bragg S1, Bain J2 Affiliation: <sup>1</sup>Department of Family Medicine MUSC, 5 Charleston Center Drive, Charleston, SC 29425. <sup>2</sup>Trident Family Health Department of Family Medicine MUSC, 9228 Medical Plaza Dr, Charleston, SC 29406. Conference/Journal: FP Essent. Date published: 2018 Nov Other: Volume ID: 474 , Pages: 33-38 , Word Count: 177 Interest in slowing or reversing the process of aging continues to grow and has encouraged the growth of an entire anti-aging industry. However, there is a dearth of data based on randomized trials in humans to support proposed therapies to address the various complex processes involved in aging. Hormonal therapies, in particular, have little data to support safe use and are associated with some degree of risk. Experimental data in animal models suggest possible molecular targets but their use in clinical medicine is far in the future. Observational data guide the current recommendations to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including consumption of a healthful diet and achieving adequate sleep, toward the goal of slowing the aging process. Patients may ask their physicians to offer opinions about treatments they hope will increase their health span. To counsel patients effectively, it is important for physicians to understand the basic principles of anti-aging science. Maintenance of supportive, nonjudgmental therapeutic relationships with patients is critical to avoid harmful and costly treatments while trying to present reliable evidence for available anti-aging therapies. PMID: 30427651