Understanding Human Autoimmunity and Autoinflammation Through Transcriptomics. Author: Banchereau R1, Cepika AM1, Banchereau J2, Pascual V1 Affiliation: <sup>1</sup>Baylor Institute for Immunology Research, Dallas, Texas 75204 ; email: romain.banchereau@bswhealth.org , almamartina.cepika@bswhealth.org , virginia.pascual@bswhealth.org. <sup>2</sup>The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, Connecticut 06030; email: jacques.banchereau@jax.org. Conference/Journal: Annu Rev Immunol. Date published: 2017 Jan 30 Other: Special Notes: doi: 10.1146/annurev-immunol-051116-052225. [Epub ahead of print] , Word Count: 150 Transcriptomics, the high-throughput characterization of RNAs, has been instrumental in defining pathogenic signatures in human autoimmunity and autoinflammation. It enabled the identification of new therapeutic targets in IFN-, IL-1- and IL-17-mediated diseases. Applied to immunomonitoring, transcriptomics is starting to unravel diagnostic and prognostic signatures that stratify patients, track molecular changes associated with disease activity, define personalized treatment strategies, and generally inform clinical practice. Herein, we review the use of transcriptomics to define mechanistic, diagnostic, and predictive signatures in human autoimmunity and autoinflammation. We discuss some of the analytical approaches applied to extract biological knowledge from high-dimensional data sets. Finally, we touch upon emerging applications of transcriptomics to study eQTLs, B and T cell repertoire diversity, and isoform usage. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Immunology Volume 35 is April 26, 2017. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates. PMID: 28142321 DOI: 10.1146/annurev-immunol-051116-052225