Effects of exercise interventions during different treatments in breast cancer. Author: Fairman CM1, Focht BC2,3, Lucas AR2, Lustberg MB4 Affiliation: <sup>1</sup>Exercise and Behavioral Medicine Laboratory, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Fairman.13@osu.edu. <sup>2</sup>Exercise and Behavioral Medicine Laboratory, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. <sup>3</sup>Comprehensive Cancer Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. <sup>4</sup>The Breast Program, Stefanie Spielman Comprehensive Breast Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Conference/Journal: J Community Support Oncol. Date published: 2016 May Other: Volume ID: 14 , Issue ID: 5 , Pages: 200-209 , Special Notes: doi: 10.12788/jcso.0225. , Word Count: 162 Previous findings suggest that exercise is a safe and efficacious means of improving physiological and psychosocial outcomes in female breast cancer survivors. To date, most research has focused on post-treatment interventions. However, given that the type and severity of treatment-related adverse effects may be dependent on the type of treatment, and that the effects are substantially more pronounced during treatment, an assessment of the safety and efficacy of exercise during treatment is warranted. In this review, we present and evaluate the results of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) conducted during breast cancer treatment. We conducted literature searches to identify studies examining exercise interventions in breast cancer patients who were undergoing chemotherapy or radiation. Data were extracted on physiological and psychosocial outcomes. Cohen's d effect sizes were calculated for each outcome. A total of 17 studies involving 1,175 participants undergoing active cancer therapy met the inclusion criteria. Findings revealed that, on average, exercise interventions resulted in moderate to large improvements in muscular strength: resistance exercise (RE,