Evaluation of the Immediate Effect of Auricular Acupuncture on Pain and Electromyographic Activity of the Upper Trapezius Muscle in Patients with Nonspecific Neck Pain: A Randomized, Single-Blinded, Sham-Controlled, Crossover Study. Author: Silva AC1, Biasotto-Gonzalez DA2, Dos Santos DM3, Melo NC3, Gomes CA3, Amorim CF4, Politti F2. Affiliation: 1Postgraduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Avenida Dr. Adolfo Pinto 1w09, Água Branca, 05001-100 São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 2Postgraduate Program in Rehabilitation Sciences, Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Avenida Dr. Adolfo Pinto 1w09, Água Branca, 05001-100 São Paulo, SP, Brazil ; Department of Physical Therapy, Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Avenida Dr. Adolfo Pinto 109, Água Branca, 05001-100 São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 3Department of Physical Therapy, Universidade Nove de Julho (UNINOVE), Avenida Dr. Adolfo Pinto 109, Água Branca, 05001-100 São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 4Physical Therapy Program, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID), Rua Cesário Galeno, Tatuapé, 448/475 São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Conference/Journal: Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. Date published: 2015 Other: Volume ID: 2015523851 , Special Notes: doi: 10.1155/2015/523851 , Word Count: 195 Abstract Background. The aim of the present study was to assess the immediate effects of auricular acupuncture (AA) on the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the upper trapezius muscle and pain in nonspecific neck pain (NS-NP) patients. Twelve patients with NS-NP (NS-NP group) and 12 healthy subjects (HS Group) were enrolled in a randomized, single-blinded, crossover study. Each subject received a single session of AA and sham AA (SAA). Surface EMG activity was measured in the upper trapezius muscle at different "step contractions" of isometric shoulder elevation (15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% MVC). The outcome measure in patients with NS-NP was based on the numerical pain rating scale (NRS). AA treatment led to a significant decrease in EMG activity in both groups (NS-NP group: p = 0.0001; HS group: p < 0.0001-ANOVA test). This was not the case for the SAA treatment (NS-NP group: p = 0.71; HS group: p < 0.54). Significant decreases (p < 0.001) in the NRS were found for both treatments (AA and SAA). This study demonstrated the immediate effect of auricular acupuncture on the electromyographic activity of the upper trapezius muscle but the effect of this intervention on pain symptoms in patients with nonspecific neck pain was inconclusive. PMID: 26451155 [PubMed] PMCID: PMC4588355