Biochemical kinetics of cell proliferation regulated by extremely low frequency electromagnetic field. Author: Geng DY, Li CH, Wan XW, Xu GZ. Affiliation: Province-Ministry Joint Key Laboratory of Electromagnetic Field and Electrical Apparatus Reliability, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin, China. Conference/Journal: Biomed Mater Eng. Date published: 2014 Other: Volume ID: 24 , Issue ID: 1 , Pages: 1391-7 , Special Notes: doi: 10.3233/BME-130943 , Word Count: 123 To study the mechanism of cells subjected to external electromagnetic fields, the expression of cyclin kinase inhibitor p27 is analyzed in the four cell cycle phases. The regulatory functions are investigated in gap phase1 to synthesis, gap phase 2 to mitotic phase and post mitotic phase transition in the mammalian cell cycle processes. A mathematical model is developed to meet the general cell cycle regulatory network based on the molecular dynamics method. Phase plane analysis results show that the p27 over-expression can lead to the hysteresis effect of cell cycle processes and phase transition delay. It is an universal approach to predict the key regulatory gene in signal transduction pathway. KEYWORDS: Cell cycle, Electromagnetic fields, Mathematical model, Molecular dynamics method, Phase plane analysis PMID: 24212036